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Eastern Woodlands

Native Landscapes

what we do


The natural forests, meadows, and coastal areas of Southern New England make this region unique. 

Whether it’s dense woodlands, natural areas or thoughtful gardens that suit your outdoor space, landscape consultant Rick Taylor will provide you with the designs and plants you need. 

The goal is to help property owners to use their land to better benefit the ecosystem, attracting birds and pollinators.


Tree & Shrub Sales
Interested in purchasing trees, shrubs or other plants for your home or business? Browse the Eastern Woodlands’ wide selection of natives, and get expert advice on what will work best for your own habitat.


Eastern Woodlands offers a variety of landscape services including native plantings, invasive species removal, and general care and maintenance of outdoor natural areas. Rick Taylor has experience planning and landscaping for both residential and commercial properties. 


Rick will allow you to use all of your open space to its fullest potential. Certain trees, shrubs and flowers attract pollinators -- butterflies, hummingbirds, and honey bees, to name a few. With the right ecosystem, you'll also notice an increase in the variety of bird species that live in and visit your yard. 


For your area's particular look, you may choose coastal settings, woodland-inspired trees, quaint meadows, wetland plants or other habitat types. Or you can get a recommendation for options that will work best for you.


To make a reservation, please call or email Rick.



Trees & Shrubs

(and More)

Browse our selection of over 75 species of native trees, shrubs, and plants.

Why native plants?

Lawns: The United States became fascinated with a manicured lawn in the 1800s and the fascination turned into an obsession in the 1950s. Most of the grasses used in U.S. lawns are low growing turf grasses found originally in Africa and Asia. Ecologically, lawns provide very little benefit; one step better than paved surfaces. The time has come for us to rethink the amount of space we use for lawns and reintroduce the plants that are supposed to be here; the plants the butterflies, birds and mammals need. 


​​​Birds: Birds need native plants for food. Larvae of many insects like beetles and moths live in trees. This makes up a large percentage of the diets of most songbirds. Native plants also produce seeds, berries and nuts that are enjoyed by birds on their migration routes. Overall, native plants go a long way in helping birds and are one of the keys to a healthy ecosystem.



Most Aquidneck IslanD and East Bay RI Homes have no native plants. The Ecosystem needs native Plants.

Contact Rick

​Tel: 401-598-6608​

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